The next day of lectures, Tom’s usually wavering attention was fixed entirely elsewhere, as he replayed the events of yesterday afternoon over and over in his mind. Had there not been a regular stream of messages between Ellie and himself, he might have started to think he imagined the whole thing.

The messages had started late last night, Tom sent Ellie a message complaining about the mountain of homework he had. The conversation had flowed easily and Tom had ended up taking twice as long to do the work as normal, but he really didn’t mind. After all, if nothing else, the goodnight picture he’d received of a bare shouldered Ellie in bed had been more than worth the time.

She’d messaged him again this morning, teasingly asking how he had been coping without her all night and they practically texted non-stop since. His phone buzzed, bringing him back to the present and Tom looked down at his phone, it was another message from Ellie.

-E: physics lecture IS KILLING me, ur class any good?

-T: Normally I love this class-  but today? There are places I’d rather be.

-E: like my bedroom? Lol

-T: I mean you’re not wrong.

-T: I didn’t know you did Physics?

-E: I wager there’s a lotta things you don’t know bout me 😉

There was a brief lull in the conversation as Tom took down some notes half heartedly. This was one subject  he did well in, so it was unlikely he was going to miss much by being on his phone, but it paid to at least pretend to pay attention. When he looked back at his phone his heart beat faster at what he saw.

-E: im beyond bored… meet me in the hall?

Tom quietly slipped out of the lecture hall, asking someone he was vaguely familiar with if they wouldn’t mind sending him on the notes, and walked swiftly down towards the physics building, looking out for Ellie. It only took him a few minutes to reach the block he was fairly sure that they housed the physics department in when he rounded a corner and almost ran into her.

“Watch yourse!-“ Ellie said with a fierce start, before realisation dawned in her eyes.

“Oh hey you” she said, a smile spreading across her features, “Come here.” Ellie took Tom’s hand and pulled him with her towards the bathrooms.

“What did you have in mind?” Tom began, before realising he was being pulled towards the girls bathroom, “Wait, I can’t go in there!” he protested.

“Oh come ON!” she whispered fiercely, looking back over her shoulder at him, “It’s not as if anyone is ever in there during class, besides the boy’s bathrooms are always filthy.”

She paused on the threshold of the bathback looking back at at him with a grin, “I’ll make it worth your while?”

With that single phrase, all protests were forgotten and Tom allowed himself to be pulled inside. Thankfully, Ellie was right and the bathroom was indeed deserted. Growing impatient, Ellie pulled him quickly inside a stall and locked it behind them.

Turning to face him inside the cramped stall, Ellie placed her hands on Tom’s shoulders, linking them behind his neck “I’ve been thinking about this all day” she whispered, before pressing herself up against him, pushing him against the wall and none too gently crushing her lips against his.

Tom sagged under Ellie’s assault, the smell of her perfume filled his nose and her hands were all over him. Eventually, when the shock started to wear off, Tom wrapped his arms around Ellie and she smiled into their kiss appreciatively. With one hand lost in her hair, the other slowly sliding down to rest on her ass and Tom began to kiss back properly, earning a small moan from Ellie.

The feeling of Ellie’s breasts pressed up against him through her blouse was driving Tom crazy, and almost without thinking one his hands slipped down from its place around Ellie’s neck to cup one of them gently. Clearly not satisfied, Ellie’s own hand covered Tom’s and squeezed firmly before going back to roaming Tom’s body. Suitably encouraged, Tom began to feel Ellie up in earnest, the feeling of her warm, full tits made his already hard cock start to tent painfully in his pants.

Suddenly, the sound of the bathroom door opening echoed through the room and Tom’s eyes went wide with panic. Ellie quickly clamped a hand down firmly over his mouth and put a finger to her own lips. The pair stood silently for a moment, while the footsteps of some stranger sounded clearly throughout the room. An evil smile sliding onto her features, Ellie began to slowly undo Tom’s belt, before fishing his cock out of his pants. Tom sighed with relief at his erection being free from the confines of his pants, a sound luckily muffled by Ellie’s hand. Starting slowly, but gradually building speed, Ellie began to pump Tom’s hard cock with her free hand, while staring deeply into his eyes, her hand still clamped tight over his mouth.

Between the intense mesmerising  look in Ellie’s eyes, the fierce make out session he had just endured and the rapid speed that Ellie was quickly building too, Tom could already start to feel his orgasm sneak up on him.

Some small distracted part of Tom’s brain idly wondered why he hadn’t heard a stall door open when the other girl entered the room. As if reading his mind, Ellie leaned in close to his ear and said in the slightest whisper, “She’s doing her makeup, wanna do mine?” After a moment of confused frowning Tom realised she was asking if he wanted to finish on her face.

Tom nodded quickly and with a sly grin, Ellie got to her knees and positioned her wide open mouth directly in front of his pulsing cock, all without missing a stroke. The last straw for Tom was when Ellie looked straight up at him, slid her tongue out as far as it would go and widened her eyes to their fullest, the perfect imitation of a cock-hungry slut, begging for cum. His cock erupted, shooting jets of warm cum all over Ellie’s face. She flinched as the first rope of cum hit her face, but rallied quickly and maintained that piercing blue eyed stare as rope after rope of cum coated her face. Tom managed to avoid making any noise, but only by clamping his mouth shut and holding his breath, and he still only barely managed it.

As his orgasm subsided, Tom let out a long breath as quietly as he could as Ellie straightened up and sat on the closed toilet seat. Tom watched on silently, a satisfied smile on his face as he returned his slowly softening dick to his pants. Ellie watched the movement and licked her lips, smiled proudly to herself. Mercifully, the girl that had been fixing her makeup chose this moment to finally leave the bathroom and both Tom and Ellie let out a sigh of relief.

“You my friend,” Ellie said, pulling some wipes out of her pocket and wiping the thickest sections of cum from her face, “Can cum buckets. Seriously I don’t think I’ve ever seen anyone cum so much, definitely not on my face” she added with a laugh.

“Thanks… I think?” Tom mumbled, blushing slightly at the unexpected compliment.

Ellie shrugged, “Look it works for me, you really can fulfil a girl’s needs… Some of us girls really dig what you just did” she said with a wink, “Although you do make the cleanup a little difficult” she finished almost to herself.

As she worked on straightening out her appearance, pulling down her skirt where it had ridden up and flattening her blouse where it had been ruffled by Tom’s wandering hands, she asked “So, did you have any ideas for our date? I was thinking Friday if that suits?”

Pleased beyond measure that for once that he’d thought ahead, Tom replied quickly, “I did actually, how do you feel about Mexican food?” he asked. When Ellie nodded in the affirmative, he continued, “There’s a New Mexican place down by the wharf I’ve always wanted an excuse to try and after dinner there’s a bunch of things nearby we could do, bowling alley, arcade, movie theatre… what?” Tom trailed off as Ellie started laughing.

“Nothing bad! I just think you’re… really great.” When Tom just gave her a confused stare, she elaborated, “I just gave you a handjob, you blew the biggest load I’ve ever seen all over my face and now you’re casually delivering amazing, well thought out date ideas like it’s nothing.” With her face finally properly clean, she stood and put her arms around his neck, again “You’re coping very well with what others would find very strange is all.”

Tom flushed deeply at the praise and managed to mumble reply, “Well… I imagine you heard, I have a reputation for being a little strange myself.”

Ellie smirked and pulled him in close, “A little nerdy and left of centre, but who knew that meant killer boyfriend material?” She said before pulling him in for another kiss, this time much more gently and sensually.

Tom drank in the sensation of her soft lips and perfect body against his before she suddenly pulled away and put a finger in lips, her face stern, “I said boyfriend material- I’m not labelling this yet, we are not exclusive and I don’t owe you anything, okay?”

Tom grinned, “Honestly? The thought hadn’t entered my head until you mentioned it, I was mostly still stuck on being complimented by The Blonde Bombshell.”

Ellie rolled her eyes, “Oh so we’re being sassy now? I like this, maybe you start to loosen up after you’ve had an orgasm.”

Tom started to laugh and was about to make another retort when Ellie pulled him in, “Oh shut up and kiss me you beautiful idiot, we have to go soon and I need enough of you to last me till Friday.”

Putting up his hands in surrender, Tom remained silent as Ellie pressed herself up against him once more and he did his best to memorise just how perfect everything felt in the moment. Though he was fairly sure that he’d never manage it.

Eventually, Ellie pulled away regretfully and opened the stall door, leading him towards the hall. “I’ll see you Friday, meet you there at eight?”

“Works for me TBB” Tom replied, a too innocent look on his face.

Ellie fixed him with a quizzical look as she checked to make sure the coast was clear in the hall.

“Well I can’t really go around calling you The Blonde Bombshell around other people now can I?” Tom said, smirking.

Ellie rolled her eyes and ducked out of the bathroom, “You are such a dork, come on go go go- see you Friday!” She called over her shoulder as they went their separate ways back to their respective lectures.

Friday he thought to himself, as he hurried back to class, a spring in his step, cannot possibly arrive too soon.

Remember lovely readers! If ever you’re reading one of my stories and just NEED more, I do take commissions!

I’m always happy to expand on any of my existing stories if you just need to know what happens next!

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